Wednesday 5 January 2005

Library Comics List

I've finished compiling my recommended purchases for our initial comics and graphic novel collection here at the library. If you're interested, you can take a look at it here (I apologize in advance for the crappy M$ Excel output).

You'll notice that it's a fairly broad list, as I was tring to represent a wide range of the world of comics. If you don't see something obvious on the list, it's probably because we already have it, or else I know that we're getting it through some other means and/or it's already in the pipeline.

Thanks to everyone who helped out by offering suggestions.

(To save you from having to count, the list is 400 titles long...)

NPR & NYT on Eisner

Morning Edition's Renee Montagne has a very brief (1:13) segment on Will Eisner's passing, which you can listen to here.

And for the New York Times' obit, could they have possibly picked a worse The Spirit illustration to accompany it?

A New Year, A New Contest

Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag at Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog starts off the new year with a contest, where you can win a copy of Jeff Nicholson's Colonia: Islands and Anomolies collection. I've been a fan of Nicholson's since coming across his Lost Laughter many years ago, and his Through the Habitrails is rightfully considered a classic. Colonia is his most recent and one of his best, so if you haven't read it I encourage you to enter Laura's contest (deadline: January 20).