Wednesday 8 February 2006

Free Talking Monkeys!

Johnny Bacardi is giving away his extra set of Banana Sunday, the YACB pick for best mini-series of 2005. Go visit his blog for all the details on how to enter.

YACB Bulletins

ITEM! Mike Sterling looks at the odd back-issue buying habits of customers.

ITEM! Heroes of the Information Age -- Librarian Super-heroes!

ITEM! Still on the fence about picking up The Middleman? You can download the entire first issue from Viper Comics and decide for yourself. (via Newsarama)

ITEM! This makes me sad. I loved reading the Curious George books when I was a kid (which probably contributed to my love of monkey comics), so the thought of it being made into a mediocre animated feature and marketed and licensed ad nauseum is very disheartening.

ITEM! Chris Sims looks to romance comics for How to Get a Girl in Ten Days. Only six days until V-Day though, so I'd better get cracking...