Sunday 13 June 2010

Kayli in APB!

Hello IITS Readers!

So I've been dying to share this with you all because I think it's very neat...but I honored the NDA that Real Time Worlds had on the Closed Beta Testers for their upcoming PC action game, APB or All Points Bulletin. No, it's not a remake of the's basically large scale Grand Theft Auto gameplay from the father of GTA, Dave Jones. Well, the NDA is effectively over since anyone and their grandmother can join the Key to the City event right now...

The game is a lot of fun and that is in no small part due to the fact that you can create your own character in almost any way you can imagine. Naturally, I made Kayli and she turned out pretty neat. The first two shots below are when I was with the Enforcer faction (cops) but after the servers wiped, I remade Kayli as a criminal and created a cool custom tan line job for her. If anyone has watched any anime or read any manga in the last ten years, you might recognize the outline of a one piece, Japanese schoolgirl swimsuit. =)

All the decals, designs, and lettering are custom work...made using a system similar to what you might see in the Forza series of games. So you can't actually import any gotta make it yourself from "primitive" shapes, a little masking, and a lot of creativity. I'm certainly not the best artist in the game but I'm the only one who came up with the idea to use tattoos as a means of faking a tan line for my character.

Anyway, it's vaguely IITS related in the sense that it's Kayli in the APB game...hope y'all like it.

- Joseph

The monster hoodie is two circles for each eye and triangles for teeth.
Even the striped socks are custom. Seriously, guys? No striped socks?

The theme was "rookie cop on her first day on the job who forgets
to put her pants on before she leaves the police station locker room".

Close up detail of the Central Islands icon on Kayli's shoulder
as well as her cheek tattoos. I think they turned out great.

Here's the front view of the tan lines. It's actually made up
of thirty unique shapes that are translucent "tattoos".

Here's a view of the tan lines from Kayli's back. I'm a little sad that
they don't allow for bigger butts but at least you can enlarge the hips.

Here's a close up...if you look closely at the wrist on the right,
you'll see a small, gray seam where the tattoos didn't quite match up.

You can tag the city with you graffiti and so I used the Central Islands
icon and posed in front of my handiwork for this shot. =)

Monkey Covers

Sunday is Monkey Covers day here at YACB. Because there's nothing better than a comic with a monkey on the cover!

Gorilla Grodd and the rest of the Secret Society of Super-Villains loom over the heroes on the cover to DC Special Series #6 (1977) by Rich Buckler & Jack Abel.

(Standard disclaimer about world-conquering gorillas not really being monkeys applies.)

Image courtesy of the GCD. Click on the image for a larger version.