Tuesday 3 October 2006

New This Week: October 4, 2006

Criminal #1Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:

The Pick of the Week is the first issue of Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips' Criminal, bringing both creators back to the type of comics they do best: crime noir.

In other comics:

Ape Entertainment have the 3rd issue of Horrorwood.

DC have the hardcover collection of Infinite Crisis; the first volume of the Emma manga; and new issues of 52 (week 22), The All-New Atom (#4), American Slendor (#2), Battler Britton (#4), Boys (#3), Detective Comics (#824), Jonah Hex (#12), Justice League Unlimited (#26), Winter Men (#5), and Y, the Last Man (#50).

Fantasgraphics have the sixth volume of The Complete Peanuts (1961–1962).

IDW have a trade collection of Spike vs. Dracula; and new issues of Fallen Angel (#9) and Spike: Asylum (#2).

Image have new issues of Elephantmen (#3) and Rocketo (#12).

Marvel have the debut issue of Vaughan & Martin's Doctor Strange: Oath; the debut of Kirkman & Hester's The Irredeemable Ant-Man; and new issues of Agents of Atlas (#3) and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (#13).

Pantheon have Marjane Satrapi's new GN Chicken with Plums.

Thrud Comics have the third issue of Thrud the Barbarian.

TokyoPop have the monthly end/beginning-of-the-month drop of titles, one or more of which may interest you more than they do me.

Viper have the final issue of Villains (#4).

Viz have the fourth volume of Nana.

AS usual, another good week of new comics; enjoy yours!