Tuesday 21 April 2009

Yes, there will be a Free Comic Book Month event this year

Despite the fact that posting has been rather sparse here over the past few months, I do plan on running Free Comic Book Month again this May. This will be the Fifth annual FCBM here at YACB. Look for the official announcement early next week...


Bizarro is brought to you today by The March of Progress.

As I predicted, I got some mail about this cartoon from readers who are against embryonic stem cell research. I also got a couple from people who informed me that stem cell research was not illegal, only the use of embryonic stem cells, and something else about government funding, but I zoned out.

I know every detail of every cartoon does not stand up to academic scrutiny, it isn't meant to. It's a cartoon.

Folks that wrote were of the opinion that embryonic stem cells are humans and should be afforded legal protection. I don't happen to share that view, but that's not really what this cartoon is about. It's actually just a flimsy, current-events excuse to use the phrase "boltless neck." I thought that was funny.

Of course, we may disagree on that point, too.