Friday 18 June 2010


I'm not going to write a bunch of dazzling words to sell shirts, but if you'd like to see the designs for MYTHFITS, Check them out here. More shirt designs will be hatched soon, and if there are requests, just call Miss sunshine on her cell. She may or may not pick up, depending on the gossip of the day. Thanks for stopping by. [ ^_^ ]

Amazon Top 50

Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this afternoon. All the previous caveats apply.

1 (-). Troublemaker Book 1: Alex Barnaby Series 3 *
2 (+2). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 1: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
3 (+1). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim Versus The World
4 (+2). Scott Pilgrim Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour *
5 (-3). Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
6 (+1). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 3: Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness
7 (+11). Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
8 (-5). Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5 *
9 (-1). Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1
10 (+4). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
11 (+1). The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb
12 (+9). Watchmen
13 (+3). Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History
14 (-5). Wednesday Comics
15 (N). Hellboy Volume 10: The Crooked Man and Others *
16 (+7). The Walking Dead Volume 11: Fear The Hunters
17 (R). Odd Is on Our Side *
18 (-5). Kick-Ass
19 (+6). Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
20 (N). Chew Volume 2: International Flavor *
21 (+14). Blackest Night *
22 (-7). Bloom County: The Complete Library, Vol. 2: 1982-1984
23 (-13). Instructions
24 (-2). The Walking Dead Book 5
25 (-6). Walking Dead Volume 12 *
26 (-6). Naruto, Vol. 48
27 (R). The Long Way Home (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 8, Vol. 1)
28 (+1). Serenity, Vol. 2: Better Days
29 (-12). Mass Effect Volume 1: Redemption
30 (R). Green Lantern: Blackest Night *
31 (N). Legends: The Enchanted *
32 (R). The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes
33 (+3). The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become
34 (R). V for Vendetta
35 (R). Batman: Arkham Asylum (15th Anniversary Edition)
36 (+8). Batman: The Killing Joke
37 (+9). Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
38 (R). No Future For You (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, Volume 2)
39 (-28). Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl (Dork Diaries)
40 (+7). Justice League of America: Cry for Justice
41 (+4). Blacksad *
42 (-6). Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead
43 (-1). Batman and Robin, Vol. 1: Batman Reborn
44 (-20). The Flash: Rebirth
45 (-18). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
46 (R). Maus II: A Survivor's Tale: And Here My Troubles Began
47 (-21). The Phantom: The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 1: 1936-1938
48 (N). Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps *
49 (N). The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya *
50 (-20). Wilson

Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.

N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks


* A new Scott Pilgrim trailer gives several of the comics a boost above the Wimpy Kid. They still can't top Janet Evanovich though.

* I still have no explanation for the recent surge in interest in Persepolis. Has there been some sort of recent media notice?

* The highest debut belongs to a new Hellboy volume, followed by Chew & Legends: The Enchanted.

* Interest in the Blackest Night hardcovers increases as their July release looms closer.

Knowledge is Power

I just found these two videos this morning and they are truly amazing.

This first one describes in scientific terms the anthropological history of human empathy and how some of us have extended our compassion to other species and the planet.

The second one describes the psychological and social nature of different time zones and cities and how it affects our mentality and health.

Each is ten minutes long but will fly by because of the revolutionary way in which they are presented with visual and verbal information in an easy-to-absorb formula. A brilliant way to appeal to both verbal and visual learners simultaneously.

Do yourself a favor and watch them both. If you dig these half as much as I did, you'll be halfway to China.