Thursday 25 August 2005

Hoy: Batman!

Here are several 'Batman' strips I ran across literally randomly on a blog. They're in Spanish and my Spanish is so rusty as to be non-existant, so I have no real idea what they're about or what's being said (I hope they're not dirty or anything...), but I doubt that they're approved by DC/Warner...

Free Books

Yes, I give away comics and graphic novels from time to time, but did you know that I'm always geving away free books?

It's true! Head on over to BookCrossing and check out my bookshelf. Any of the books that are listed as available are free for the asking (as long as you live in the U.S., and you don't get too greedy). However, you must ask me via a BookCrossing personal message (which means that you'll have to sign up as a BookCrossing member first).

Lots of science fiction, some fantasy, some mystery, some other random stuff. I just want to give the books a good home.