Wednesday 4 June 2008

Bad Ass Like Me

For those of you who assume veganism is not a good diet for an athlete, read this!

Devolution Pantsuit

A friend sent me this pic today via email. No idea where it came from but it made me laugh.

I've been an Obama fan all along and am happy the primaries turned out the way they did. It's not that I don't think Hillary would be a decent president, I just can't imagine another 4 to 8 years of the kind of Repubican vitriol that spewed non-stop during Bill Clinton's administration. I'm sure they'll pull the same crap with Obama, if the country isn't too bigoted to elect him, but at least it will be a new set of lies and tired, predictable jokes. Plus, I think we need some new ideas in Washington, not just promises of new ideas. Who knows if Obama's really got what it takes to deliver that, but I'm hopeful.

Just to show how old and wise I am, I saw Devo the night they first appeared on Saturday Night Live, way back in 1953 or whenever that was. Shortly thereafter, I saw them in concert at some small venue in Dallas. Can't find a video of them on SNL (1978) but the one below is a reasonable facsimile. If you weren't alive then, you can't imagine how different this was from anything else being done at the time. For you extremely young readers, their doing an old Rolling Stones song.

Help A Critter

Here is one of those sites where just by going there and clicking a button, the sponsors will give money to animal groups. Do it every day. It's not fun, but it's not NOT fun, and it might save a critter in need.


The Power of Bone

Kids like Bone. This is not surprising, of course, but still very true.

Background: A few weekends ago I was back home visiting my parents. I had along with me the massive one volume Bone collection, and was re-reading it because it was our book discussion group book for May. My nephew, age 8, was visiting and saw me reading the book. Up until a year ago my nephew was what would be described as a 'reluctant reader', but in the past few months he's become much more engaged with reading for pleasure. Recently he has been borrowing (and devouring) my dad's Calvin & Hobbes collections, so he's getting into comics as well. My nephew became quite interested in the huge Bone collection, and wanted me to read it to him. So we sat on he big recliner and I started reading it out loud to him. He was quite engaged with it, and after we made it through the first three chapters he began reading it on his own. He was disappointed that I had to take it back to Ann Arbor with me, but I needed to finish it in time for that Tuesday's book club meeting.

I considered loaning my copy to him when I was done, but I have one of the early copies of the one-volume edition and the pages are falling out. So I hopped onto Amazon and ordered a copy to be shipped to my nephew directly. It arrived last Friday, and he completely finished all 1300+ pages over the following 48 hours. Simply put, my nephew loves Bone! (My sister asked me if I know of any other 1000 page comic books that could keep him entertained!)

Guns Blazing

Today's Bizarro cartoon is made possible by Miniature Folding Chairs, Inc. "It's not you, it's our chairs."

To be honest, I'm not particularly fond of this cartoon. I did a similar-looking one back in the late eighties of an astronaut on a space walk, trying to break into the cockpit of his space shuttle with a coat hanger, which was much funnier. I figured some folks might like this one or I wouldn't have submitted it, but in retrospect, I'm not too proud of it.

I know cities need to raise revenue to keep themselves going, so things like parking fees are somewhat necessary. But I never park illegally on purpose (except with my scooter in NYC, but they force you to because the laws here are REALLY screwy) so I get apoplectic when I get a ticket. I got one in L.A. last year (in a rental car) because my bumper was hanging maybe five inches over the little crosses they put on the street in front of the meters to designate each spot. I didn't even know the crosses were there, I just parked about where the meter was.

This is just one of the many reasons I don't carry a gun.