Wednesday 21 April 2010

Super-Hero Costume Critiques with Tim Gunn

Fashion maven Tim Gunn (who himself has been a comic book super-hero) critiques super-hero costumes:

(via NPR's Monkey See blog)

Watercolor Wednesdays

Why not? When I'm not digitally coloring my MYTHFITS strip, it's fun to play with paint.

This is a MYTHFITS-inspired self portrait for the San Francisco gallery, Kokoro Studio. My friend, Keiko, is organizing a fabulous group show featuring multiple artist "visages" looking out at the viewer. I couldn't resist featuring Robot & Unicorn and friends in mine.

Another MYTHFITS comic is coming soon, so please stay tuned! And if it's not a hassle, vote in the poll on the right. Serious research is being conducted...