Saturday 24 May 2008

Bathroom Habits on Parade

A week ago today a group of my best buds from NYC and Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary and I were marching in a thing called the Veggie Pride Parade, carrying a thing we called "The Colon of Truth."

The parade was the first of its kind in NYC and we weren't sure what to expect. We figured there would be lots of people dressed as vegetables and farm animals (a habit I have personally never found appealing), so we wanted to try a different approach.

I'm not a big believer in the ability of parades to change anyone's mind about their lifestyle, but we wanted WFAS to have a presence. Small non-profit organizations depend heavily on people knowing they exist. For this reason, we wanted an attention-getting display of some kind, something that would be funny, edgy, true, and memorable. The Colon of Truth was just the ticket.

A meat-eating friend of ours, Matt Davis, actually suggested the idea of creating a meat-eater's colon, demonstrating some of the health hazards of eating corpses. Since I'm the one with the colored markers and glue gun, I was elected to design and build it, with the help of my assistant and CHNW. I did my research, of course, to make sure our claims were medically substantiated, otherwise it would not have been The Colon of Truth, but rather The Colon of Specious Claims or The Colon of Deliberately Misleading Propoganda.

The poop chute of verity worked like a charm and attracted all manner of attention, mainstream press included. Mentions and photos popped up here and there the next day. Woodstock Sanctuary's co-founder, Jenny Brown, was quoted in the New York Daily News.(Along with people dressed as vegetables.) Doug Abel, the other co-founder, and I appear in a video on New York Magazine's website. (Most notable about the video is my frank talk about my bathroom habits. No idea what's with the artificially nasally tone of my voice here. I sound consitpated.)

I'd also like to mention that the woman in the video who says "most vegetarians are almost teetotalers" is not hanging out with the right vegetarians. Virtually all of the ones I know drink. Not as much as I do, of course, but enough to have police records and prison tattoos.

At right, my assistant, Mo Wyse, and I slaving feverishly over the colon in my Brooklyn living room.

Below, The Colon Of Truth, in all its glory, as carried by our local posse of vegans. CHNW is at the extreme left with her colon-colored hair, and yours truly is in the red plaid. Much to my chagrin, I'd forgotten my hat that day.

Yes, that was a pile of paper turds weighing down the bottom of the colostomy bag. As you know from reading my cartoons, I value realism.

Human Extinction

Here is a twenty-minute video by Mark Bittman, food critic for the NYTimes, best-selling cookbook author, and NOT a vegetarian. This is a presentation he made recently about the history of American eating and farming in the past hundred years, and how it relates to politics, health, and the extinction of the human race. It is smart, authoritative, not fanatical, utterly true and easily substantiated.

The info in this video will be in the news more in the coming years and major changes for all of us are ahead, whether we like it or not. Watch it now in an easy-to-digest manner so you'll know what's happening when the sh*t hits the fan.

FCBM4 Day 24

It's day twenty-four of the fourth annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Bill Doughty, who listed his five comics as:

1. Blue Beetle
2. All-Star Superman
3. Johnny Hiro
4. The Brave and the Bold
5. The Many Adventures of Miranda Mercury

For Bill I have the first issue of Nicc Balce's Random Encounter.

For Bill's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Iron Man ashcan.

Bill's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

Time is running out, but you can still send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
42 entries
48 free comics sent so far
7 days remaining

Let's Get Googly

Bizarro is brought to you by Hi Fli Ping Pong Ball Manufacturing Corporation of Beijing.

Has anyone every studied what percentage of ping balls purchased each year are used for things other than the actual game? How many are purchased by muppet makers? How many are dangling from the ceiling of garages to tell people when to stop their car? How many have been crushed, painted glossy black, and sold as prunes?

Italian Spiderman

As a man who is Italian and admires spiders, I must bring you this amazing film about Italian Spiderman.

Amazing Photosynth

Check out this phenomenal demonstration of new technology. This could change so many important things about visual information on the web, the mind reels.