Wednesday 27 September 2006

Dave's (Half) Dozen: Indy Comics

Continuing my look through the September Previews (for comics supposedly shipping in November), here are a half dozen indy comics that I feel are worth your attention:

Rex Libris #6Rex Libris #6
(Amaze Ink/Slave Labor, $2.95, p. 232)
Rex has to save a library patron who is sucked into a refernce book of monsters. Why is Rex Libris so fun? Because James Turner knows to use terms like 'patron' when refering to libary users. More library-related jokes per page than any other comic shipping this month!

Tigers of Terra SpecialTigers of Terra Special
(Antarctic, $3.95, p. 237)
Ted Nomura celebrates the twentieth anniversary of his futuristic military comic will an all-new installment in the Families of Altered Wars saga.

Youngblood: Bloodsport #2
Youngblood: Bloodsport #2
(Arcade, $3.99, p. 237)
Issue #1 came out over two years ago, and was so bad that it took Rob Liefeld this long to draw the second issue. Buy it for the train wreck it is bound to be!

Ninja Tales #1Ninja Tales #1
(Boom!, $6.99, p. 255)
Ninjas get the Boom! anthology treatment. Now if they ever do a Ninjas vs. Zombies Tales comic, we'll have reached nerd nirvana!

Castle Waiting vol. 2 #2Castle Waiting vol. 2 #3
(Fantagraphics, $3.95, p. 283)
I hear tell that, although Linda Medley's hardcover collection is selling quite well thank you, the comic-sized bites of all-new Castle Waiting stories ins't doing so well. Come on people, I know you're waiting for the trade, but good quality indy comics need your support in comics form as well.

The Lost Books of Eve #1The Lost Books of Eve #1
(Viper, $3.25, p. 349)
Josh Howard goes all apocrypha on us with an off-book tale of Adam, the first man, going missing and Eve, his wife, battling monsters, wizards, demons and what-not to find him. Probably won't be a hit with the Southern Baptist crowd.

I covered mainstream comics last week. Hopefully maybe I'll get GNs and collections done before orders are due...

New This Week: September 27, 2006

Superman: Up, Up and Away!Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop today:

The Pick of the Week is Superman: Up, Up and Away!, the collection of the one-year later story from Action Comics & Superman. It's eight issues worth of quality super-heroics from Kurt Busiek, Geoff Johns and Pete Woods for the reasonable price of $15.

In other comics:

Amaze Ink have the second issue of Sonny Liew's Wonderland.

Antarctic have the latest Ninja High School (#142).

Bongo have this year's Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror (#12), with Kyle Baker, Tony Moore, & Eric Powell.

Dark Horse have a new issue of Usago Yojimbo (#97).

DC have the final Losers collection (vol. 5: Endgame); a first collection of Phil Jimenez's Otherworld; and new issues of 52 (week 21), Action Comics (#843), American Way (#8--final issue), Batman (#657), Bite Club VCU (#5--final issue), Blue Beetle (#7), Hawkgirl (#56), Jack of Fables (#3), Justice League of America (#2), Secret Six (#4), Supergirl and the Legion (#22), and Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters (#3).

Fantagraphics have a new issue of The Comics Journal (#278).

IDW have the first issue of Spike: Asylum.

Image have the fifth Walking Dead collection; the Image debut of True Story, Swear to God; and new issues of Invincible (#35) and Lions, Tigers & Bears (vol. 2 #3).

Marvel have a hardcover collection of Richard Corben's Haunt of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe; the 100th issue of Ultimate Spider-Man; and new issues of Captain America (#22), Civil War Front Line (#6), Daredevil (#89), Eternals (#4), Punisher (#38), She Hulk 2 (#12), Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (#10), and Ultimates 2 (#12).

Oni have the third issue of Northwest Passage.

WW Norton have a hardcover Will Eisner's New York: Life in the Big City, which includes New York, The Building, City People Notebook, and Invisible People. Well worth your time and money if you haven't read these yet.

That wraps up another week of new comics. Enjoy!