Wednesday 2 June 2010

IITS Store Update!

Hey Everyone,

As it turns out, I might have accidentally broke our IITS Store awhile back so if you've tried to make a purchase recently or in the past, I apologize for the store being broken. Everything should be good now and in the process of fixing all the broken PayPal links, I decided to go ahead and add the Kayli Boobs Mouse Pads to the store!

We are offering the "Savory" (clothed) and "Sweet" (nude) versions for $40 each + tax & shipping and you can pick up both for just $75 and no increase in shipping fees! What a deal!

What are you waiting for? Head to the store now and buy one for all your friends! =)

P.S. If you have any problems with the store, please send an email to

- Joseph

Kayli Boob Mousepads Have Arrived!

Hey Everyone,

I received my very late order of Kayli Boob Mouse Pads from the manufacturer yesterday evening and all you awesome people who "pre-ordered" your Mammary-O-Ergonomic pads at Fanime should be receiving them very soon. They were shipped out today via USPS Priority Mail. Turns out the shipping is actually almost exactly $5 for a single mousepad so I won't need to send out any refunds for that. I personally checked each one before shipping them out but if there are any problems, please let me know.

For those of you who weren't able to make it to the show but would like to pick up the mousepad, they will be available on our IITS Store site in just a few days in both flavors, "Savory" (sounds better than "Salty") and "Sweet"...keep an eye out for 'em!

- Joseph

FCBM6 Day 33

It's day thirty-three of the slightly-longer Sixth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Caleb Spring. The five comics that Caleb likes are:

1. Fables
2. Buffy season 8
3. X-Factor
4. Legion of Super-Heroes
5. Hellboy

And his other thing of interest is Battlestar Galactica.

For Caleb I have all four issues of Horrorwood, the 50s-era story of monsters and mystery by Brandon Terrell & Brent Schoonover.

For Caleb's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Star Wars Halloween comic.

Caleb's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

Current FCBM Statistics:
35 entries
100 free comics sent so far
? days remaining

Stress Musings

Bizarro is brought to you today by Auto Obesity.

My life is a big gooey slithering wombat of stress right now. I'm working on a couple of big projects outside of Bizarro (details later, maybe), CHNW and I are preparing to sell our place in Brooklyn and move away from NYC (a feat of idiotic proportions considering the clutter of our house is rivaled only by the seething demonic chaos of all the crap we have stored in the basement), and my finances and psyche are in disarray. Those last two things are more or less a constant, but it certainly doesn't help at times like this.

Why am I telling you this? Because I can't afford a therapist and since I live in NYC, I can't afford a bartender, either. A single beer in NY costs as much as a six pack of fine foreign ale, a cocktail is as much as a bottle. Just one of the many reasons we're ready to leave the Big App.

But then there are my friends, whom I love even though I am not terrifically social and only see them a few times a year. I will miss them. And we'll miss the cool concerts up at Woodstock Sanctuary. So is this the right thing to do? The climate here puts me in such a dark funk so many months out of the year that I see my decision to move to warmer environs as a matter of self defense, so on that level it seems very right. Maybe even necessary.

I haven't completely decided what to do yet, but thanks for listening. Meanwhile, it's back to my life: a joke-a-day or starve in the streets.