Tuesday 22 November 2005

New This Week: November 23, 2005

Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop later today:

The Pick of the Week is the Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League collection, which proved that you can have emotional tension and lots of funny in your super-hero comics. See Blue Beetle, Max Lord, and Sue Dibney when they're not being used as poster children for grim-n-gritty.

In other comics:

ADV continue the satiric funny with a fourth Cromartie High School collection.

Antarctic have the sixth issue of Oz: The Manga.

Dark Horse have a new issue of Conan (#22).

DC have the sixth Y, the Last Man collection; the long-delayed final issue of Seven Soldiers: Zatanaa (#4) and the first issue of Seven Solders: Frankenstein; and new issues of The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin (#4), Ex Machina (#16), JSA: Classified (#5), Jack Cross (#4), Lucifer (#68), and Tom Strong (#35).

Drawn & Quarterly have a new issue of Palooka-Ville (#18).

Image have the debut of Warren Ellis's Down; new issues of Gødland (#5), Invincible (#27), and The Walking Dead (#24); and collections of two underrated series from other, now defunct, publishers: Fade from Grace and Saint Germaine.

Marvel have new issues of Black Widow 2 (#3), Captain America (#12), and She-Hulk 2 (#2); a an X-Factor Visionaries: Peter David volume.

Another fairly light week. Must be the holiday combined with November being a five Wednesday month. I guess this means you can save up your pennies for the Friday shopping extravataganza...