Thursday 15 May 2008

A Buzkill Of Vegans

Rob Cottingham wrote in a comment on my Theological Humor post that he was thrilled that I linked to his "anger" image. I'm guessing he means the pic linked to the words "piss me off," but I can't be totally sure. He left me a link to his cartoon blog site and I found the above cartoon, which I think is hilarious. It's exactly the sort of thing me and my vegan friends would ask and it made me laugh out loud. Thanks, Rob.

30,000 Comics!

It may not surprise you to know that I keep track of which comics I have (and how many) in a couple of database files. It may surprise you to find out—as it certainly did me—that a couple of weeks ago I passed the 30,000 mark in the number of comics I own!

Also interesting is that with a week of passing that milestone I also hit round-number counts on three publishers:
  • 12,000 DC Comics
  • 6,000 Marvel Comics
  • 1,000 Dark Horse Comics
I should note that it took 28 years of comic book collecting to reach that number. It is surely too many. I'd like to cut that number down at least in half, but I can never find the time to go through the many boxes to figure out which to divest from the collection.

Bike to Work

I'm told today is Bike To Work Day. I'm an avid cyclist and ride several times each week around my 'hood of Brooklyn, NY. I live in a two-story apartment with my bedroom downstairs and my work space upstairs. I thought about riding to work today but was daunted by the stairs. (Right, me and my Pedersen)

Riding a bike is good for your health, for the environment, for traffic reduction, for everything. Do it regularly for short errands, going to work, hitting the pool hall, anything where you don't have to carry a whole lot of stuff with you. You'll be glad you did. If you have to drag your kids around with you everywhere, get them a trailer or teach them to ride. If you're worried about getting hit by a car, get a shovel and some asphalt and build bike trails all over your town. If you're worried about getting wet when it rains, build a giant transparent bubble around your bike.

With good old-fashioned American ingenuity, we can do this.

Chess Gangsters

Bizarro appears today courtesy of Paramount Studios. Soon to be (satirizing) a major motion picture starring Jim Carrey or Keanu Reeves or somebody like that.

If you're one of the millions of Americans who cannot decide which is more riveting, playing chess or watching gangster movies, this cartoon is probably already clipped out and on your fridge. For those of you unacquainted with either, these two chess pieces – called a "knight" and a "bishop"– are reenacting an iconic scene from Francis Ford Coppola's classic, "The Godfather."

Seriously, if you needed me to tell you that, you might need a tutor or something.

FCBM4 Day 15

It's day fifteen of the fourth annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Steven Zacks, who listed his five comics as:

1. Criminal
2. Kick-Ass
3. The Boys
4. Iron Man
5. Batman

Steven seems like the right person to appreciate the first issue of Terror, Inc., the recent MAX series by David Lapham & Patrick Zircher.

For Steven's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Iron Man ashcan.

Steven's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
39 entries
30 free comics sent so far
16 days remaining