Wednesday 25 October 2006

New This Week: October 25, 2006

Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop today:

Seven Soldiers #1The Pick of the Week is Seven Soldiers #1, finally bringing to conclusion Grant Morrison's epic interlocking mini-series. With the series being true-to-form though, some comic shops may not be getting this until next week...

In other comics:

Boom! have the second issue of Tag.

DC have collections for American Virgin and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes; a Showcase Presents for The Phantom Stranger; Richard Donner's debut on Action Comics (#844); and new issues of 52 (week 25), Jack of Fables (#4), Planetary (#26), Secret Six (#5), Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (#23), and Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters (#4).

D.E. have the first issue of Classic Battlestar Galactica. You remember, when Starbuck and Boomer were both dudes and they had that poor monkey in a robot dog suit.

Fantagraphics have the second issue of Linda Medley's new Castle Waiting series.

IDW have the Angel: Masks one-shot and the collected edition of Supermarket.

Image have a collection of the second Hawaiian Dick series; and new issues of Gødland (#13) and Negative Burn (#5).

Marvel have new collections for Daredevil and Runaways; and new issues of Captain America (#23), Daredevil (#90), Nextwave (#9), Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (#11), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#101).

NBM have a color edition of the first Cryptozoo Crew volume.

Vertical have Osamu Tezuka's Ode to Kirihito--over 800 pages by one of the best cartoonists ever.

Okay, that's plenty of comics for you!

One Week to NaGraNoWriMo!

Just one week remaining until I start in on NaGraNoWriMo: National Graphic Novel Writing Month. It's my version of NaNoWriMo, in which I'm going to try to write the script to a 175-page graphic novel during the month of November.

I've pretty much decided on which of my ideas I'm going to attempt, but now I'm getting all nervous about whether or not I'll be able to make it through. I've never written a comic script for anything before, so 175 pages seems like a big task. I'm sure that I'll learn a lot in the process, and in the rules of NaNoWriMo, it doesn't have to be good, it just has to get done!

At least one other person has said that they'll join in as well. Any more takers? Who knows--maybe we can start a new movement!