Wednesday 2 August 2006

New This Week: August 2, 2006

Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop later today:

The Pick of the Week--I think--is Carla Speed McNeil's Finder, vol. 8: Five Crazy Women. I say 'I think' because I don't ever recall seeing this offered in Previews (surely I would have pre-ordered it if I did, and I didn't), nor does it seem like McNeil has accumulated enough new online material for a collection, nor is it listed as available through any online retailer (Amazon, Mars Import, etc.) So to tell the truth I'm not convinced that this actuall exists--but if it does you should get it.

If not, then the fall-back Pick of the Week is the first collection of Kyle Baker's Nat Turner, in which he shows that he can bring the serious to an autobiography adaptation.

In other comics:

Abstract have the 18th Strangers in Paradise collection.

Airship have a paperback of the second Girl Genius collection.

Antarctic bring out the Fred Perry love with three Gold Digger comics: Gold Digger #76, Gold Digger Tangent #2, and Gold Digger: Throne of Shadows #3. They also have the final issue of Twilight X: War, even though the volume collecting it came out last week...

Archaia have a new issue of Mouse Guard (#4). have the first regular issue of The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles.

Dark Horse have a collection for Concrete (vol. 6: Strange Armor); a new volume of Eden (vol. 4); and new issues of BPRD: Universal Machine (#5) and Usagi Yojimbo (#95).

DC have a big ol' Absolute Kingdom Come hardcover; the first collection of Exterminators; and new issues of 52 (week 13), All New Atom (#2), Detective Comics (#822), Ex Machina (#22), Jonah Hex (#10), Justice League Unlimited (#24), and Y, the Last Man (#48).

Fanfare/Ponent Mon have Vanyda's The Building Opposite GN.

IDW have a new issue of Fallen Angel (#7).

Image have new issues of Invincible (#34) and Noble Causes (#22).

Marvel debut Jeff Parker's retro Agents of Atlas mini; and have new issues of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (#11), Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (#18), The Punisher (#36), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#98).

TokyoPop have the first volume of the OEL manga Afterlife, and the first volume of Return to Labyrinth, based on the old Henson film with David Bowie and Jennifer Connely.

Top Shelf have Jeffrey Brown's I Am Going To Be Small.

Viz have the third volume of Crimson Hero.

Plenty of stuff to give your LCS the love today!