Sunday 27 April 2008

Jesus Camp

I saw a movie a couple nights ago called "Jesus Camp." It's a documentary from 2006 about an evangejical, fundamentalist, Christian summer camp for kids. It won some awards, is very even-handed, and just lets the subjects of the film tell the story, without pushing the filmmakers' opinions.

It may surprise some of you to know that I was sort of a "teen for Jesus" for a few years back in the early 70s, and went through some of the sort of evangelical Christian indoctrination that the film depicts. I was older than the kids in the film, and so was better able to form my own opinions about what they were teaching. Still, it is difficult for kids to discern between fact and fiction, and I believe that heavy indoctrination in anything as a child has the potential to cloud your reasoning skills later on. The ease of the Neo-cons and Fox News in convincing people that the ridiculous things they were spouting were true, and everything the rest of the world was saying was false, is a case in point.

See the film, quake in your boots, do not fail to vote, and get a hundred of your reasonable-minded friends to do the same.

Video Victim

Today's Bizarro is brought to you by the fine folks at The Church of Invisible Superheroes.

I haven't played video games since "Asteroids" was big back in the late 1900s. Seriously. All I know of them is what I see on TV commercials. But they look as though they may have advanced quite a bit since then in both graphics capabilities and content. I suspect many of them may be somewhat violent, too.

Extrapolating that limited knowledge to what I assume is an issue in some households in North America, I devised this cartoon where the kid is physically brutalized by his video game. I assume it's only a matter of time before games can fight back and assault you, not just your onscreen character. Might be fun.

Someone wrote me last week saying their family was having a debate over the meaning of the woman's use of scissors to cut carrots. I hated to deflate the debate, but there is no meaning. I just thought it was funny.

As always, click on the image to make it larger. It's the only way to properly count all the symbols. The number next to my signature tells you how many to look for.