Saturday 19 July 2008

Punny Paris

People suggest puns to me all the time but I rarely bite. Puns have to be very clever or unique or have a good visual to get me interested. In the case of this one, I just thought it was funny. Sadly, I can't remember who suggested this one or I'd give him/her props here.

(I know I've mentioned other people suggesting jokes to me a lot lately, but it is because I'm going through a tremendously rough patch in my personal life right now and am having trouble writing humor. Depending on others for the extra material needed to keep up with my merciless joke-a-day schedule is a life-saving option.)

Most people who wrote to me liked this one, but one reader politely suggested that I was making fun of suicide and objected. I politely explained that the Pont Neuf in Paris is a very short bridge and people don't typically use it for suicide, just jackassing around. She felt better.

Another email came in from regular readers who said they were in Paris a few weeks before this cartoon ran and saw a guy jump into the Seine off another bridge. They wondered if maybe I was there and that was what inspired the cartoon. Oddly enough, I was there and, in fact, was the guy who jumped.

I wish. I haven't been in Paris for years and really need to go back. Maybe soon.


I already mentioned this in the comments box of the previous post, but I would like to say that the Canadian immigration post was entirely satirical. I love Canada – Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver are three of my favorite cities in North America – and hockey is my favorite TV sport by far.

If we have one more phony election in this country and John McSame is in the White House, I may be a permanent fixture in your 'hood. Of course, the thing I dislike most about NYC is the winter here, so I may go to Rome instead. I'll keep you updated.