Thursday 2 February 2006

And all this time I thought I was Clark...

Well, at least my alter-ego tied for a distant second...

Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Dave's Dozen: Mainstream Comics

Gone is Previews-O-Rama, and in its place is Dave's Dozen. I'll be going through Previews each month, highlighting twelve items worthy of attention in three categories: Mainstream Comics, Indy Comics, and Collections/GNs.

So first up for the February Previews (comics supposedly available in April) are the following dozen mainstream comics picks:

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #5
(Marvel, $2.99, p. M12)
For some reason I thought this was a four-issue mini? I'm pleasantly surprised then to find that it's going beyond that, as McKeever & Miyazawa have found the perfect series for their style and sensibility.

Avengers and Power Pack Assemble! #1 (of 4)
(Marvel, $2.99, p. M33)
More Power Pack? Yes! More bright, colorful fun with Marvel's youngest super-hero team.

Star Wars: Tag & Bink Episode I--Revenge of the Clone Menace
(Dark Horse, $2.99, p. 24)
Kevin Rubio brings his loving but irreverant look at the Star Wars universe to the prequels, telling the story of hapless Tag and Bink as kids in this one-shot. Should be fun.

BPRD: The Universal Machine #1 (of 5)
(Dark Horse, $2.99, p. 36)
Is it wrong that I like the BPRD comics by Mignola, Arcudi & Davis more than I like Hellboy proper? This series promises to reveal secrets of the organization's past.

Infinite Crisis #7 (of 7)
(DC, $3.99, p. 78)
Unsurpringly there's zero-content in the solicitation copy. So we'll just assume that this final issue will make fanboys squeel with glee and/or piss them off to no end, whilest detatched bloggers look on with scorn.

Checkmate #1
(DC, $2.99, p. 82)
Greg Rucka reunites with Omac artist Jesus Saiz to give us metahuman espionage in the DCU. Should be right up his alley.

Jonah Hex #6
(DC, $2.99, p. 90)
Nuns with Guns! I've never been much of a western fan, but I'm liking how Palmiotti, Gray & Ross manage to deliver stories that are done-in-one each month yet still manage to have a feeling of scope.

Seven Soldiers #1 (of 1)
(DC, $2.99, p. 96)
It all comes down to this, as J. H. Williams III returns to finish off Morrison's anti-crossover.

Bite Club: Vampire Crime Unit #1 (of 5)
(DC/Vertigo, $2.99, p. 118)
I'll buy just about anything with art by David Hahn (though I'm still hoping he goes back to his own Private Beach someday), and I liked the story from the first mini enough to go for this follow-up.

Rocketo: Journey to the Hidden Sea #7
(Image, $2.99, p. 136)
Speakeasy's biggest critical hit escapes to a more hospitable publisher. Based on the preview art I'm assuming that this will still be done in landscape format.

(Image, $6.99, p. 138)
This one-shot by the uni-monikered Nilson about a crash-landed astronaut looks lovely and cute.

Angel Spotlight: Illyria
(IDW, #3.99, p. 290)
As she's essentially a blank slate, it ought to be interesting to see what Peter David makes of Illyria's post-Angel wanderings on Earth.

Look for the other two parts, Indy Comics & Collections/GNs, sometime over the next week.