Tuesday 26 May 2009

Injuns and Igloos

Bizarro is made possible by the Dick Cheney Institute for Early Childhood Development.

I am back at Bizarro International Headquarters again after a roaring weekend of insanity in Hollywood with my cartoonist colleagues. To those of you who expressed support and disappointment in my seventh consecutive loss of The Reuben Award, thanks a ton. Meanwhile, back in the real world, here are two cartoons since I'm a little behind on posting.

While writing cartoons one day it occurred to me that except for their size, pyramids and igloos look like they are two different models in the same line. Like the sample drawings you'd get in a container of Lincoln Logs. And voila, here's the cartoon. Now I need to do a companion piece about pyramids at the North Pole.

The Indian cartoon below is completely surreal, but I combined Godzilla and the Old West once before and liked the effect, so I tried it again. I confess I did not research the Indians, though, and it was pointed out that I got a few things wrong. The ground looks like the Southwest but Cherokees inhabited the middle-Southeast, and I'm told something about their costumes is wrong. I usually try to avoid mistakes like this but I was likely in a hurry when designing it and maybe even tripping on mushrooms. (CHNW and I are not very diligent housekeepers and have mushrooms and other things growing in our carpets. I sometimes trip over them, causing me to draw the wrong costume within a given context.)

But still, Godzilla and Indians! Hahahahahahahah!!!

(Click these cartoons to make them bigger and funnier)

FCBM5 Day 26

It's day twenty-six of the Fifth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from William Burns. The five comics that William listed are:

1. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
2. Captain America
3. Incredible Hercules
4. Daredevil
5. Comic Book Comics

And his other thing of interest is Coen Brothers movies.

For William I have the first two issues of Kevin McShane's comic books-as-Hollywood comic Toupydoops.

For William's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Donald Duck Halloween comic.

William's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
27 entries
62 free comics sent so far
5 days remaining