Monday 2 June 2008

Dave's New Blog

I started up a new blog today:

Eaten by a Grue is a blog devoted to video games in libraries.

Why am I blogging on such a topic? The introductory post may give you a clue...

Don't worry, I'll continue to blog about comics here at YACB. (I may take a short break though to recuperate after Free Comic Book Month...)

Dead Funny

One of our Bizarro Blog Buddies, Eric H., sent me the pic at right, which he took in Troy, NY back around 1980. He submitted it to National Lampoon and they printed it in their "True Facts".

If it's still around when I kick the cartoon bucket, I'm going to have my funeral there. I'd probably even do that if I didn't have a cartoon by a similar name, because how do you resist a funeral home called "Bizzarro"? Unless you find one called "Dead Meat," then it would be a tossup.

Pie Homage

Today's Bizarro is brought to you by The Center for the Study of Hitchcock Homages.

I've seen a lot of graphic caption balloon puns over the years, have even done some myself, so I tend to shy away from them. But when "my friend, Derek, gave me the idea for this joke," I liked it and decided the addition of the pie chunks made it worth doing. That's me and CHNW (note the monogram), in case you have some kind of rare vision disorder that prevents you from spotting the friggin' obvious.

And yes, that's vegan pie. Duh.