Wednesday 20 September 2006

New This Week: September 20, 2006

Amelia Rules: SuperheroesBased on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop today:

The Picks of the Week are the three volumes of Jimmy Gownley's Amelia Rules, re-issued in 'bookshelf editions' in hardcover and paperback. Smart comics about kids.

In other comics:

A-V and Win-Mill have a new issue of Following Cerebus (#9).

Abstract have a new issue of Strangers in Paradise (#84).

Dark Horse have the debut issue of Dwight T Albatross' The Goon Noir; and a new issue of Conan (#32).

DC kick off the new wave of WildStorm with Wetworks #1; debut Krypto the Superdog #1 as a tie-in to the kids tv show; and have new issues of 100 Bullets (#76), 52 (week 20), Birds of Prey (#98), Catwoman (#59), Hellblazer (#224), Superman (#656), and Testament (#10).

Image have a second collection of Gødland, and new issues of Negative Burn (#4) and The Walking Dead (#31).

Marvel finally ship Civil War #4; debut the Howard Chaykin-drawn Blade and the Jeff Parker-written X-Men: First Class; and have new issues of Astonishing X-Men (#17), Nextwave (#8), Runaways (#20), and X-Factor (#11).

A relatively sane week, but I'm sure that you'll find something to your liking at the LCS this week!