Saturday 8 January 2005

Quick Post

Not much to say today, as I'm trying to finish Tim Powers' Declare in time for a discussion group on Tuesday; I"m only halfway through and I tend to be a rather slow reader of prose at times, especially when it's dense like this book is.

I picked up the Comic Zone issue of Disney Adventures at the grocery store today--there's a two page strip by Matt Feazell. Yes, that Matt Feazell! In a Disney comic.

Yesterday I stopped by Jim O's office in between meetings and he showed me the 'rough' cover art by Mark Schultz for his next GN, the one with cowboys and dinosaurs (I forget the exact name) (and yes, it's non-fiction) (Zander Cannon is doing the interior art). I put 'rough' in quotes because it really wasn't rough at all, it's tight pencils and very cool. I also learned what Steve Lieber's next project is going to be, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be public knowledge or not so I shan't say anything, other than it'll be a creator-owned thing.