Tuesday 11 May 2010

FCBM6 Day 11

It's day eleven of the Sixth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Jeff Trammell. The five comics that Jeff likes are:

1. Deadpool
2. The Amazing Spider-Man
3. Batgirl
4. Batman: The Widening Gyre
5. Superman: Secret Origins

And his other thing of interest is the the tv show Lost.

For the Lost fan in Jeff I'm sending him the first issue of X Isle by Andrew Cosby, Michael A. Nelson, & Greg Scott. And for his super-hero side, I'm sending the first issue of Invincible by Kirkman & Walker.

For Jeff's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Star Wars Halloween comic.

Jeff's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
26 entries
35 free comics sent so far
20 days remaining

My Comeback Blog

Bizarro is brought to you by
my long absence. Thanks for your patience and all of the notes and comments expressing a wish for my return to daily blogging. I've been away from home for three weeks, a rarity for me, partly on holiday in Hawaii and partly in Austin, Texas for my daughter's wedding. It was a terrific trip all around.

I'll post some holiday pics in the coming days or week, if I can get them downloaded and sorted and all that. Just the good/funny/weird ones. I don't want to subject you to boring personal moments or anything.

Speaking of boring personal moments, here are a couple of nice pics of my two daughters and me at the wedding. I'm the dark guy on the right who just got back from two weeks in Hawaii. The one in the light dress is Krapuzar, my eldest and the new bride, the one in the disgraceful, upstage-your-sister-at-her-own-wedding red dress is Krelspeth, the youngest. The "K2" that regularly appears in my cartoons stands for them.

And here, as proof that I was indeed in Hawaii, is a picture of me underwater at a Maui beach.

By the way, a handful of readers wrote to me asking what the above cartoon meant. If you were similarly confused, if you rearrange the letters in each word of the speaker's balloon, you get "There is no god." Hence the atheist anagram.

More shenanigans tomorrow!