Monday 4 May 2009

Wall Street and Hong Kong

Today's Bizarro is brought to you by Hurtful Hair.

Here's my little shot at the legion of despicable Wall Street scum that recently destroyed our economy. We all hate them, and rightly so. We're all tired of politicians treating them like babies strapped with dynamite and we're all tired of these asses staying rich while the rest of us lose our jobs. But we're also tired of hearing about it, so let's talk about Bruce Lee.

I recently saw some old videos of this guy on YouTube and it made me question reality. How can this guy have done what he apparently did? I'm not talking about "make corny kung fu movies," I'm talking about his feats of physical speed, strength, accuracy, agility, etc.

Below is a video of Lee playing ping pong. I'm actually a pretty decent ping pong player and was proud of that fact until I saw this. If this film is real, on my best day my ping pong skills more closely resemble a trained bear whacking a brick wall with a wet beach towel.

Either this video is fake, or Bruce Lee was a witch.

(NOTE: Lee is playing with nunchucks rather than a paddle. For the unfamiliar, nunchucks are a martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks of wood joined by a short length of chain.)

FCBM5 Day 4

It's day four of the Fifth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Rob McMonigal of the blog Panel Patter. The five comics that Rob listed are:

1. The Walking Dead
2. House of Mystery
3. Fables
4. Invincible
5. Amazing Spider-Man

And his other thing of interest is being part of the shadowcast of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

For Rob I have the first two issues of the 2003 Demon: Driven Out miniseries by Josh Dysart & Pop Mhan.

For Rob's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Peanuts Halloween comic.

Rob's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
10 entries
9 free comics sent so far
27 days remaining