Thursday 14 July 2005

JimO in the Freep

Today's Detroit Free Press has a very nice little feature article about GN writer and friend-of-YACB Jim Ottaviani (who I believe is presently out at SDCC, so if you're heading out there stop by and visit with him in the Cold Cut Indy Island).

"The Science of Comic Books"

If there's one thing Ottaviani doesn't want to be, it's pretentious or off-putting. He loves to learn about science, and he wants to share that experience with as many people as he can.

Hockey Returns

In honor of the imminent return of professional hockey, here are a couple of hockey-related comic covers:

I'm sensing a theme here... Both covers are by Nick Cardy.

(Images courtesy of the GCD. Click on the images for larger-sized versions.)