Tuesday 4 May 2010

FCBM6 Day 4

It's day four of the Sixth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Nevin Steindam. The five comics that Nevin listed are:

1. Incredible Hercules
2. The Muppet Show
3. The Anchor
4. King City/Orc Stain
5. Criminal

And his other thing of interest is board games.

For Nevin I have Scott Gray & Roger Langridge's Fin Fang 4 one-shot, plus the first issue of Ellis & Robertson's Transmetropolitan.

For Nevin's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Popeye Halloween comic.

Nevin's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
6 entries
16 free comics sent so far
27 days remaining