Wednesday 2 September 2009



Once again, the contest only took minutes to find a winner. The first poster came in at 12:03, but only listed 10 differences. I made a CAPITALIZED point of saying there were 11 differences this week. Sorry, illibius. (I think I got the spelling wrong on that)

The second poster came in at 12:04 and had 11 items, but one of the changes was missing, filled in by one he seems to have made up: different color door trim. Sorry, Brad, but I'm not sure what you meant by that.

Third poster at 12:04 had only ten. Sorry Vance. Same with fourth poster, Jordan R., who remembered the 11th item necessary, but didn't post it until 12:24. Bummer.

The winner was the fifth person to post, coming in at 12:05, a person by the name of Jeff.

Here is his list, all eleven, all correct:
Richard Simmons, Elf on the hood, She has a beard, Phone number change, "Accidendt"spelled without an "I", upsidedown bird looking the other way, "K2" reversed order, she is now wearing a shoe, Car door has a button lock by the window, hand is bigger, monster on the window.

Thanks a bajillion for playing our game, I hope that everyone had fun and there were minimal casualties. Look for another contest next Wednesday, unless I don't announce it.

Jeff, contact me through the blog comments and let me know how to get hold of you. I won't publish your contact info.

Until tomorrow – it is the water part of the waterfall that makes it so noisy...

Bizarro Contest #2

(Click on the images to enlarge.)

Contest Rules:
1. First person to post the ELEVEN DIFFERENCES between these two cartoons in the COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS POST wins.

2. Winner gets five packs of Bizarro Trading Cards. A $10 value. No cash, just the cards.

3. DO NOT add your contact info to your entry. I'll get that from you if you win.

4.Winner must agree to send me a pic of themself with their winnings to post on this blog. Wear a mask if you don't want to be mobbed by autograph hounds next time you leave the house. You can attach any name to your pic, real or fictitious.

5. Winning this contest DOES NOT mean you are welcome in my home, nor that you will be able to parlay it into your own sit-com.

6. I am not responsible for any injuries you may receive either from competing or handling the trading cards if you win.

7. This one is way harder than the first one, so don't get all whiny on me. You can always buy some trading cards from my website, they're pretty cheap.

8. In future contests, there will be different prizes other than trading cards, but for now, I need to get rid of some trading cards.

Good luck, gladiators!

Stupid Dead Guy Sees Old Friend

Bizarro is brought to you today by The Middle of Nowhere.

As I point my face at today's cartoon, I notice that while both guys have halos, only one has wings. I submit my cartoons five or six weeks ahead of publishing (the lead time is required, I'm not that far ahead of deadline) so this was drawn almost two months ago and I can't remember if it was intentional, or just a brain fart.

I might have done it to show that he was new to Heaven, whereas the other guy had been there a while. Or, I might have just been drawing on autopilot and zoned out.

Does anyone really care?

I can't say I do.

More importantly, I just finished the puzzle for today's Bizarro Contest #2, and will post it in about one hour from now...12 noon Brooklyn time. Unless I forget. It's a bit more difficult than last week's, the maiden voyage of the Bizarro Contest, so get ready for it. Oil your brain, put in some eye drops, have a double espresso and get Nana out of the storage shed. This contest is fun for the entire family. (Except Uncle Jimmy, who's still pissed off about the elections.)

Until noon, your eyes are like hollow orbs of lubricated meat...