Monday 29 August 2005

Infinite Crisis?

So last night I dreamed about Infinite Crisis. I don't normally dream about comics books, but it happens sometimes. It was one of those dreams where soemtimes I was reading a comic, sometimes I was watching it unfold like a movie, and sometimes I was actually in it. And since this was a dream, it followed dream logic. And I don't remember it all. But here's what happened:

'Issue #1': Superman decides that he's sick and tired of all the negativity happening around him--the killing and the secrets and the lies and the mind control and the whatnot--when it used to be that his adventures, while exciting, always ended well. So he rounds up a bunch of other heroes who feel the same way, and they 'pierce the veil' into the 'real world' and into the offices of DC Comics (really cool special effect of space-time ripping up like turning the corner of the page of a comic book, and Superman stepping through!) The heroes then confront Paul Levitz about the dire state of all the negativity. Levitz agrees that things need to change, so he calls an emergency story summit of DC's writers & editors; they meet with the heroes and plot out a massive cross-over series called Infinite Crisis which will return brightness and adventure to the DCU.

'Issue #2': The heroes return to the DCU and start to enact the plan/plot to restore the DCU to its glory days. Realizing that a bunch of heroes are of fighting in the Rann-Thanagar War and unaware of the plan, a team of heroes is dispatched to outer space to inform them. Meanwhile a couple of heroes (one of whom is me in the dream--know, I don't know which one) return to the 'real world' to ask Levitz to clarify a couple of unclear plot points in the story. But instead of a bustling workplace, we find the offices of DC Comics to be completely deserted. We soon learn that this is not the 'real world' at all, but rather a simulacrum designed to fool us and the other heroes. We deduce that this is really a pocket universe created by... The Time Trapper! The Time Trapper was posing as Paul Levitz and his true plan for 'saving' the DCU is not to return it to the old happy days, but rather destroy it and create a new universe that will play according to his rules. We want to return to the DCU and warn the others, but the Trapper is preventing us.

At this point I woke up. Which is a shame, because I really wanted to see where this was all going.

OF course, I'm sure the real Infinite Crisis won't resemble this at all. But I will be tickled pink if The Time Trapper ends up being the one behind it all...

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