The pick of the week is Jim Rugg & Brian Maruca's Street Angel #4 from Slave Labor. You've read all the rave reviews, now see for yourself why this is one of the most fun comics to hit this year. "Orphan of the streets and skateboarding daughter of justice, Jesse Sanchez fights a never ending battle against the forces of evil, nepotism, ninjas, and hunger as Street Angel!" Need more to convince you? Check out this preview.
In other comics:
Alternative Comics have a new printing of Bipolar #1.
Dark Horse have the sixth Chronicle of Conan collection, and Tales of the Vampires from Joss Whedon and company gets collected.
DC have David Lapham's first full issue of Detective Comics (#801); the second issue of The Intimates; and a collection of JLA: Another Nail with loverly art and a so-so story by Alan Davis.
Marvel have New Avengers (#1); New X-Men (#7); new Ultimates 2 (#1); and old Essential Iron Man (vol. 2).
Oni have the Awakening OGN (my review here--dodgy story but very pretty art).
TokyoPop have their fourth Rising Stars of Manga collection; and the first volume of President Dad.
A very short week this time. So take that extra money and buy a few presents--and what makes for better presents than comics!