Today's extra special 3-fer is a jam packed full of various things that are sure to amuse somebody somewhere for some reason for at least a few seconds. I hope you're one of them.
The first comic includes a reference to Tarzan's Hollywood sidekick, a chimp named Cheeta. Cheeta's shirt is a satire of the popular middle-American saying, "WWJD?" which stands for "what would jesus do?" Popular with Christian teens, I suppose it was invented as a way to keep reminding teenagers that a vengeful god is watching them and they'd better not try to get away with anything. I didn't see this cartoon as a slap at religion but one reader did, telling me I owed him an apology and that my cartoon likely angered Jesus, which he insinuated was not a good thing and something I should be afraid of. I'm not inclined to believe that if some kind of god does exist, it would be so petty and insecure as to be insulted this easily.

Cartoon #2 is a simple illustration of a different meaning for the common claim that something or someone is huge in Japan. Nothing much to say here except that googling images of sumo wrestlers for reference reminded me of how utterly weird humans are.
Our final cartoon today is a Sunday panel and employs one of my favorite cartoon gimmicks – leading the reader to think one thing at first glance only to reveal after reading the caption that the picture is not what it seems.

Enjoy your weekend. That's an order.