Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this morning. All the
previous caveats apply.
1 (-). Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5: The Ugly Truth
2 (+1). Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books
3 (-1). Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
4 (+1). Dilbert: 2011 Day-to-Day Calendar
5 (-1). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
6 (-). 40: A Doonesbury Retrospective
7 (-). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 1: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
8 (+20). Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Boxset
9 (-1). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim Versus The World
10 (-1). Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale
11 (-1). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 3: Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness
12 (-1). Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 4: Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together
13 (-1). Scott Pilgrim Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
14 (-). Dork Diaries 2: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl
15 (+1). Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life
16 (-3). Scott Pilgrim Volume 5: Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe
17 (+3). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
18 (-3). The Walking Dead, Book 1
19 (-1). Big Nate: From the Top
20 (-3). Walking Dead Volume 13
21 (-). The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
22 (-3). Fables Vol. 14: Witches *
23 (-1). Superman: Earth One
24 (+1). The Walking Dead Volume 2: Miles Behind Us
25 (-2). The Walking Dead, Book 6
26 (-2). The Walking Dead Book 2
27 (+7). The Walking Dead Volume 3: Safety Behind Bars
28 (+8). Walking Dead Volume 12
29 (+12). The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes
30 (+3). Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
31 (-1). Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons (Calvin & Hobbes)
32 (-5). The Walking Dead Book 5
33 (R). Witch & Wizard: Battle for Shadowland
34 (R). Serenity, Vol. 2: Better Days
35 (+3). The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks
36 (-7). The Indispensable Calvin And Hobbes
37 (+6). Bone: The Complete Cartoon Epic in One Volume
38 (-6). The Complete Peanuts Boxed Set 1975-1978 (Vol. 13-14)
39 (+1). Odd Is on Our Side
40 (-9). The Walking Dead Book 3
41 (R). V for Vendetta
42 (-16). The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb
43 (-1). The Walking Dead Volume 11: Fear The Hunters
44 (R). Serenity, Vol. 1: Those Left Behind
45 (+2). It's A Magical World: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
46 (R). Batman: The Killing Joke
47 (+2). The Walking Dead, Vol. 9: Here We Remain
48 (-13). The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future
49 (-3). The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become
50 (R). X'ed Out
Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.
N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks
The Wimpy Kid stays #4 on the overall bestseller chart, and continues to hold on to the top 3 slots on the comics chart.
* Except for the vaulting of the
Scott Pilgrim box set up into the top 10, there is very little movement of titles in the top 20 of the chart. Certainly well within the realm of this chart's hourly churn.
* There are no debuts this week. Last week's lone debut,
Brightest Day vol. 1, slips off the chart, which is somewhat surprising given that all of the
Brightest Night collections did so well.
Walking Dead watch: thirteen collections in the top fifty, one less than last week. Now that the television show has finished its first season, we will likely see a softening of demand for the
Dead until near its second season in October. Then again,
The Walking Dead is one of those comics that continues to defy conventional sales patterns, so who knows...?
* This week's #50 title is #2,005 on the overall chart.