Our next selected entry is from Kristin Munson. The five comics that Kristin likes are:
1. NextWave
2. Daughters of the Dragon
3. Harley Quinn
4. The Plain Janes
5. The Preposterous Voyages of Ironhide Tom
And her other thing of interest is Greek Mythology.
For Kristin I have the first three issues of the Mean Girls-meets-Super Powers comic Bad Girls by Steve Vance, Jennifer Graves & Christine Norrie.
For Kristin's bonus comic, I'm sending her the Casper/Little Lulu Halloween comic.
Kristin's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!
There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.
Current FCBM Statistics:
34 entries
67 free comics sent so far
8 days remaining