Bizarro is, like, brought to you or whatever by, like, the Awesome Key.
Someone bought a color poster of this cartoon off of my Cafe Press site and I was reminded of how much I like it. Several times each week I am alarmed at how many adults, usually women, talk like goofy teenagers. I think women do it more because they can get away with "cute," childlike behavior in the workplace (because there are men who find it endearing) much longer than men can.
Anyway, I like this old cartoon and I can't stand people who talk in that clipped, post-Valley-Girl accent and fear that one day there will be 50-year-old judges who talk like that.
And now an advert: you get lots of my images on, like, a gazillion different products or whatever at Cafe Press here. It's not like I make any money from it, but I thought you might think it was awesome.