ITEM! Lots of interesting things to be found in reading over Comixpedia's List of 25 People in Webcomics for 2005 (link via Tom), including that Svetlana Chmakova's CosmoGirl manga strip is available online; Andrew Ford and Michael Kelleher's Rib is now being published online via 01comics; and both Finder and Girl Genius have seen their trade sales increase significantly since going to online-only for their serial publication.
ITEM! Shawn Hoke, who writes the very good Size Matters mini-comics blog, named YACB as one of his 365 Things I Enjoyed in Comics This Year. Thanks Shawn!
ITEM! I need to read Photon Torpedoes more often. Contributor kidflash has a good rundown of the Levitz-era Dream Girl; and warlock has an appreciation of Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez on Atari Force.
ITEM! Kevin notifies us that Catherine Leamy has a new issue of her Geraniums and Bacon mini out. I reviewed the first two issues back in February, and liked them a lot, so sometime soon I have to PayPal her $2 to get issue #3--and you should too (and get the others while you're at it!)
ITEM! Chris Sims, over at Chris's Invincible Super-Blog, has been spotlighting some fun Christmas-themed comics, including Marvel Two-in-One #8, Marvel Team-Up #127, and Santa Claus in the DC Universe. It makes for fun holiday reading!
ITEM! Less than 5 days left in the Second Annual CBLDF Fund Drive, and I'm still looking for five more people to step up and support the freedom to read, sell and create comics. I don't want to have to beg, but it's getting near crunch time people!
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
New This Week: December 21, 2005

Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:
The pick of the Week is Flying Lessons, the third volume of Andy Runton's charming Owly from Top Shelf. I realize that some people find Owly to be too sweet and charming, but I find it to be enjoyable, and I think that Runton has a real skill in telling wordless stories. If you don't like friendly anthropomorphic forrest animals, you probably hate puppies too. And Christmas. In which case, what are you doing here?
In other comics:
Alias have the TPB of David: Shepherd's Song, collecting the 3-issue mini. Which is odd, seeing as issue #3 never came out. I suppose maybe they're not publishing #3 because the series was losing money, but for those of us who bought the first two issues--and ordered #3 and not the trade--this doesn't exactly engender any goodwill for a publisher that desperately needs some.
Antarctic have new issues of Gold Digger (#69) and Ninja High School (#134), and a new NHS Pocket Manga too (vol. 7).
Archie have a new issue of Sabrina (#72).
Dark Horse have new issues of Conan (#23) and The Goon (#15).
DC have a second collection of Kyle Baker's Plastic Man (Rubber Bandits), which IMHO contains the strongest issues of Baker's sadly under-ordered run. They also have a collection of Rick Veitch's Swamp Thing (Spontaneous Generation); the debutof Testament; new issues of Birds of Prey (#89), Hellblazer (#215), Lucifer (#69), and Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer (#2); and the third issue of Infinite Crisis, which was originally scheduled for last week, then pushed back to next week, and is now shipping this week.
Drawn & Quarterly have Seth's Wimbledon Green OGN in hardcover.
Fantagraphics have a new issue of Acme Novelty Library (#16).
Marvel have new issues of Captain America (#13), Book of Lost Souls (#3), Runaways (#11), and Supreme Power: Hyperion (#3); plus a digest collection of Jeff Parker's Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four--yes, that Jeff Parker--if you like fun little super-hero stories, you should give this one a look.
Speakeasy finally get a new issue of Elk's Run (#4) out the door, as well as the debut of Shotgun Wedding.
And if you have any money left over, please consider giving to the CBLDF as part of our Second Annual Fund Drive. Thanks!
Christmas Covers - December 20
For each day of December until Christmas I'm featuring a Comic Cover Advent Calendar. Just move your mouse over the image to reveal today's special Holiday comic cover. Click on the image to get a larger version.
Francine & Katchoo set a trap for Santa on the cover of Strangers in Paradise #70 by Terry Moore.
Come back tomorrow, and every day this month, for a new Christmas cover.
Just 5 more 'get-ups' until Santa!
(Don't be a stranger--stop by and listen to Yet Another Music Radio for our Holiday Music 2005 mix for over three hours of seasonal songs.)
(And don't forget Polite Dissent's comic cover advent calendar; Love Manga's advent calendar manga give-away; or my own CBLDF Fund Drive.)
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