Today's Bizarro cartoon is brought to you by Bears Who Sh*t In The Woods In Comfort.This idea came from my crazy friend,
Derek, a regular contributor to the comments section of this blog. Many other blog commentators have commented on Derek's comments, in fact. They are unique, to say the least.
His original idea (as I recall with my notoriously
Alzheimer's-quality memory) was a guy feeding toilet paper into an office printer. I figured given the
robust economy that the Neo-Cons have blessed us with, it would make a good cartoon about cutbacks.
But back to
toilet humor. Have you or anyone you know ever been
this happy about toilet paper? I think if I saw a crowd of ecstatic people dancing through the streets with a gigantic roll of toilet paper, I would brace for some
major sh*t to hit the fan. And I would be afraid of the
size of the fan it might be hitting, given the size of that roll in the picture. If that's a
grizzly in the pic, the roll is bigger than his head, which would make it roughly the size of a
truck tire. Who needs a roll this big? And where is this much doody
coming from? Perhaps we should attack the
source rather than the symptom.
(NOTE: I'm not squeamish about so-called "profanity," but since some readers might be, I replace certain letters in potentially "offensive" words with asterisks, to keep the blog "safe" for the entire family.
NOTE 2: I recently got a "complimentary" box of "quotation marks" and am trying to "use" them up.)