Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Just One Week Until FCBM3!
Next Tuesday will be May 1st, and longtime readers of this blog know that May is Free Comic Book Month! Just like the two previous years I'll be taking your lists of favorite comics and matching you up with a comic I think you'll like. Look for details on Monday the 30th.
New This Week: April 25, 2007

Based on the NCRL, here are some comics you may want to look at picking up at your friendly local comic shop tomorrow:
The Pick of the Week is Marvel's Agents of Atlas hardcover collecting the mini-series by Jeff Parker & Leonard Kirk. It's a modern adventure about retro characters, not at all depressing or horribly revisionist and a lot of fun. The hardcover has lots of bonus features too, including reprints of the first appearances of the various characters.
In other comics:
AdHouse premiere Fred Chao's Johnny Hiro.
Amaze Ink/Slave Labor kick off a new story in Serena Valentino's Nightmares and Fairy Tales #19, with new artist Camilla d'Errico.
Archie have a new issue of Sabrina (#84).
Boom! debut Hunter's Moon and have new issues of Planetary Brigade Origins (#3) and Tag: Cursed (#3).
Dark Horse have a new volume of Path of the Assassin (vol. 6) and new issues of Rex Mundi (#5) and Usagi Yojimbo (#102).
DC have Cary & Bolton's new OGN God Save the Queen; a new collection of Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4); the start of Amazons Attack (#1); the final issue of Firestorm (#35); and new issues of 52 (week 51), Action Comics (#848), Astro City: The Dark Age (book 2 #3), Blue Beetle (#14), Catwoman (#66), Justice Society of America (#5), and Supergirl and the Legion (#29).
Dork Storm Press have a new issue of Dork Tower (#36).
Fantagraphics have Castle Waiting vol. 2 #6 and the latest ish of The Comics Journal (#282).
First Second have the GNs The Professor's Daughter and Tiny Tyrant.
Image have new issues of True Story Swear to God (#5) and The Walking Dead (#37).
Marvel have a big ol' Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus; a new Runaways digest (vol. 7); and new issues of Daredevil (#96), Powers (#24), Wisdom (#5), and X-Men: First Class (#8).
Plenty of comics for your enjoment this week!
CiL 2007 Cartoon Liveblogging
Derik Badman did liveblog cartooning for sessions at the Computers in Libraries 2007 conference. Very cool (if you're a geeky librarian, that is). I was at a couple of the sessions he covered and he does a spot-on summary of them.
(via Jessamyn)
(via Jessamyn)
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