Rumor has it that Jim Lee & Alex Ross will be doing covers for next summer's Crisis 2 event series.
But if they want the thing to really sell, they'll have Lee do the pencils for the interiors.
Remember how for Crisis on Infinite Earths DC had their biggest creative team at the time, Marv Wolfman & George Perez, doing the honors? Shouldn't Crisis 2 be afforded the same? While DC has a number of good super-hero artists available, no one but Lee can realistically 'open' a summer blockbuster for them.
It would sell like nothing else has in the past decade...
Monday, 13 December 2004
Quick Manga Reviews
by Motofumi Kobayashi
What a disappointment. In using rabbits, cats and other animals to tell stories of the Vietnam War, Kobayashi seems to be aiming to produce a work on the level of Maus, but he falls quite short of the mark. While the art does a remarkably fine job of presenting the setting and the action, and doesn't look ridiculous at all in integrating the animal characters, the stories are as pointless as the plot from a first person shooter. Bunnies go on a mission, shoot things, get shot at, then come home. The characters are barely one dimensional. While war may seem pointless to those in the trenches, stories about war cannot afford to be without a point.
Rating: 1.5 (of 5)
by Kou Fumizuki
In this young men's romance manga, college student Kaoru is surprised when his chilfriend friend Aoi, now a beautiful young woman, shows up unexpectedly and declares that she's going to marry him. It's a standard sort of male fantasy, as Aoi wishes to serve Kaoru every desire. There's an added complication in that Kaoru has disowned himself as heir to the a powerful merchant family and Aoi's family disapproves of her being with someone who has brought such dishonor on himself. Fumizuki's art is strong, especially the detailed backgrounds, and the storytelling is clear. It's fine for what it is, but there's just something creepy about the fact that the perfect woman is presented as submissive--I suppose that there's something inticing to a young man in the thought that a perfect woman would just show up at the door one day, and that 'true blue love' with with a sexy girl can be had with no effort.
Rating: 2.5 (of 5)
by Takahashi Miyuki
Musashi is Agent #9 for Ultimate Blue, a secret extra-governmental organization that works behind the scenes to stop terrorists and maintain world order. Although she's only 16-years-old, Musashi is considered to be the most effective of the nine special U.B. operatives. Unfortunately, throughout each of the four stories in this volume Musashi remains a cipher, completely undeveloped as a character. The only thing we know about her personality is that she dresses like a man, and is mistaken for a teenage boy until the very end of the story when her gender is revealed. This could make for an interesting character, but nothing is made of Musashi's ambiguous gender other than the reveal--there's no attempt to explore gender roles or Musashi's identity at all, it's just a quirk of the story. Miyuki's art is generally strong and he draws action well, but his characters tend to lack personality in their drawing as well as in their characterization.
Rating: 2.5 (of 5)
Christmas Covers - December 13
For each day of December until Christmas I'm featuring a Comic Cover Advent Calendar. Just move your mouse over the image to reveal today's special Holiday comic cover. Click on the image to get a larger version from GCD.
Today's cover is 1997's Starman #27. The cover by Tony Harris illustrates James Robinson's story "Christmas Knight."
Just 12 more 'get-ups' until Santa!
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