Bizarro is brought to you today by Towel Paradise.Since I didn't post any cartoons last week while
I was away, here are a few of my favorites from the missing week to catch up a bit.
The onion gag is funny to me, but I also like the dude's
Brady Bunch hairdo. I don't normally draw men with this kind of coif, but I will be doing more of it in the future because of it's awesomeness.

The "End of the World" gag is a version of the
man-carrying-end-of-the-world-sign cartoon cliche. Longtime readers (
both of them) know that I enjoy putting a new spin on the classic cartoon motifs, and I thought this one was fun. Like all living humans under the age of 70,
I am on Facebook, but I can't say that I get anything out of it. If I want to say something to someone, I send them an email (call me old fashioned) and because my name is known by more people than I know, I get so many messages on there that I don't have time to do anything other than click "accept" on friend requests and "ignore" on everything else. I don't join groups or causes, don't send "pokes" or "bites" or "transfusions" or whatever else they have on there, and I don't read invitations. Nothing personal, I just don't have the time.

The baggy pants joke is my favorite of these three. Anyone who knows me is well aware of my constant and decades-long stupefaction over the
baggy pants fad. Anything about giant, baggy pants is and has always been funny. That's why
clowns wear them.
I hope to have time to do my travelogue blog tomorrow. Tune in then, my frenz.