Tuesday, 31 January 2006

New This Week: February 1, 2006

Sorcerers & Secretaries vol. 1Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:

The Pick of the Week is Amy Kim Ganter's Sorcerers & Secretaries, the latest OEL manga from TokyoPop. It's about a receptionist who daydreams about a fantasy world, and looks absolutely charming.

In other comics:

Amaze Ink/Slave Labor have the third issue of Rex Libris.

Antarctic have the Gold Digger Color Remix #2 and Ninja High School #135.

Archie have Sabrina #73.

Dark Horse have the third Concrete collection, Fragile Creature, and the first issue of Hellboy: Makoma by Mignola & Corben.

DC have a collection of Howard Chaykin's City of Tomorrow (with Chaykin at his most Chaykinesque in a long time); the final (sniff) issue of Gotham Central (#40); the ninth Lucifer collection; the second Superman: Man of Tomorrow archive with lots of silver-age goodness; the debut of Thuderbolt Jaxon (a spin-of of the much-delayed Albion); and new issues of Justice League Unlimited (#18), Legion of Super-Heroes (#14), Swamp Thing (#24), and Y, the Last Man (#42).

IDW have a collection of Angel: The Curse, and the third issue of Angel: Old Friends.

Image have the fifth Noble Causes collection, Betrayals.

Marvel have new issues of Captain America (#14), Marvel Team-Up (#17), Powers (#16), The Punisher (#30), and X-Factor (#3).

Moonstone have the $0.50 Buckaroo Bonzai Preview (just in time so that you can make an pre-ordering decision on the mini).

Speakeasy have the first issue of Athena Voltaire: Flight of the Falcon.

And there you have it. Enjoy your new comics!

Monkey Covers - Bonus!

Katy Keene #38Normally we feature monkey covers on Sundays here at YACB--so why do we have a monkey cover on a Tuesday?

Because January 31 is National Gorilla Suit Day! And in honor of this most special holiday, we have the cover to Katy Keene #38, where one of Katy's beaus gets them in a bit of jam because of his decision to honor the holiday.

(standard disclaimer about gorillas not really being monkeys applies)

Image courtesy of the GCD. Click on the image for a larger version.

Always Remember

1... Is Gud Dog

I thought I was done, but I couldn't help myself...

(all the others)