Cartoonist Chris Ware animates a segment on the premiere of the new This American Life television show tonight. Don't have Showtime? Watch Ware's segment here.
ITEM! There's still time remaining to enter TangognaT's Free Manga Contest; but hurry, entries are due by midnight the 22nd.
ITEM! Opening chapters of the comics blogosphere's favorite OEL whipping child, Avril Lavigne's Make 5 Wishes, are available as a free podcast.
ITEM! If you're at the Boston Zine Fair this coming weekend you'll be one of the first to get the new issue of Cathy Leamy's Geraniums and Bacon; if not, you'll have to wait a little while longer to order it through her Website.
The good: Meeting interesting colleagues at other institutions. Many engaging speakers.
The bad: No free time, so I wasn't able to check out any of the fine Minneapolis comic stores or the famous DreamHaven books.
The ugly: The Minneapolis weather. My cell-phone getting stolen (I hope whoever took it really enjoyed the $5 of free calls they got before I reported it stolen. You should have taken my gloves and ear-muffs, as you would have gotten more use out of them!)
Proof I was at the conference:
(I talk with my hands a lot!)
That was actually take 2. Take 1 was much better, but they had to redo it because of sound issues :(
Regular comic-related blogging will return shortly.
EDIT: Other cool thing: flying through O'Hare on the way back home, we taxied past the new Airbus A380. It's big...