Based on the
NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:
The Pick of the Week is the first volume of Mike Grell's
The Complete Jon Sable, Freelance from IDW, a classic series getting a deluxe trade collection.
In other comics:
Beckett have a new issue of
Fade from Grace (#5), a nice little superhero/romance comic that you all should be reading.
Dark Horse have the final issue of the latest
Jingle Belle mini (#4) and the penultimate issue of
Concrete: Human Dilema (#5).
DC have the debut of the Englehart/Rogers/Austin mini
Batman: Dark Detective; the final issue of
Fallen Angel (#20) (though rumors have it returning in the near future from IDW...); the debut of Gail Simone's Infinite Crisis tie-in
The Secret Society of Super-Villians Villains United (
SSoSV is a perfectly good title--why are they shying away from it?); and new issues of
Detective Comics (#806),
Firestorm (#13),
The Intimates (#7),
Lex Luthor: Man of Steel (#3),
Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight (#2),
Swamp Thing (#15), and
Y, the Last Man (#33).
Del Rey debut two new manga,
Genshiken &
Nodame Cantiabile (though I saw both last week at Barnes & Noble...)
Fantagraphics' third volume of
The Complete Peanuts hits comic stores (though mine arrived from Amazon last week...)
Image debut a
Rising Stars mini,
Voices of the Dead (I'm waiting for the trade...) and have a colected edition of The Luna Bros.'s
Ultra: Seven Days.
Marvel have the second issues of
GLA and
Power Pack.
Lots of manga from Viz this week, including volume 30(!) of
Ranma 1/2.
Hope you find something you like!