Monday, 18 May 2009

Lion All The Time

Bizarro is brought to you by Animal Planet.

This simple but highly effective pun came from the nobby noggin of my good friend, Cliff, a former pediatrician who now teaches Stanford med students how to intimidate children into remaining still while a stranger jabs them with a long needle.

Cliff is a funny guy with an unusual ability with language. He and I have been collaborating on a sort of comic book written in puzzle form. Cliff writes the puzzles, I do the drawings. It's a metric buttload of work and unless it sells a frillion copies I'll never see much money from it. But such is a life in the arts.

Once published, I am hoping each of my three fans will buy a third of a frillion copies so Cliff and I can eventually be paid for our time. Thank you in advance for your help.

Here is a sneak peak at an illustration from the book, with the puzzle removed. We don't want anyone stealing our mojo. To enlarge it, click the thumb of the cowboy at left.

FCBM5 Day 18

It's day eighteen of the Fifth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our next selected entry is from Paul S. The five comics that Paul listed are:

1. Sandman
2. Black Hole
3. Ice Haven
4. Percy Gloom
5. Watchmen

And his other thing of interest is heavy metal music.

For Paul I have the one-shot Lucifer: Nirvana by Mike Carey & Jon J. Muth.

For Paul's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Peanuts Halloween comic.

Paul's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
26 entries
44 free comics sent so far
13 days remaining