Among the other interesting covers that I've uploaded are:
2001 Nights #1
Adam Strange #8
Akiko #15
Aria: The Uses of Enchantment #1
Athena #14
Beautiful Stores for Ugly Children #1
Blip #2
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs #5
Channel Zero #5
Crying Freeman #2
Dark Horse Presents 100 #1
Dark Horse Presents #115
Dreadstar #64
Electric Girl #3
Electropolis #1
ESPers #6
Finder #35
Gotham Central #11
Gen13 Bootleg #7
Gifts of the Night #3
Green Lantern Special #1
Grimjack #61
The Hacker Files #6
Hammerlocke #9
Hellblazer #190
Hellshock #3
Hepcats #9
Icon #13
Impulse #41
Invisibles vol. 3 #8
The Jaguar #7
Justice League Adventures #5
Justice League Unlimited #8
Joe Matt's Peepshow #7
Kabuki #3
Kane #16
Lost in Space #16
Lum #7
Madrox #1
Mars #1
Moonshadow #1
Muppet Babies #5
Mythography #5
New X-Men #146
Nexus: Executioner's Song #4
Oni Double Feature #2
Otherworld #3
Paranoia #1
Power Pack #4
Prime #19
Quit City #1
Sandman Mystery Theatre #63
Scud #9
The Shadowmen #1
Shanda the Panda #9
Spirit of Wonder #5
Stanley and His Monster #3
Star Wars Tales #1
Star Trek: The Next Generation Special #3
Subhuman #1
Supreme #56
Those Annoying Post Bros. #27
Uncanny X-Men #405
V #11
World's Finest Comics #251
X-O Manowar #20
Xombi #4
Plus over 1900 other covers--that's a lot of covers! (And there's still tons of stuff I have in my collection that GCD doesn't even have entries for...)