In other comics:
Boom! have the second issue of Tag.
DC have collections for American Virgin and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes; a Showcase Presents for The Phantom Stranger; Richard Donner's debut on Action Comics (#844); and new issues of 52 (week 25), Jack of Fables (#4), Planetary (#26), Secret Six (#5), Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (#23), and Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters (#4).
D.E. have the first issue of Classic Battlestar Galactica. You remember, when Starbuck and Boomer were both dudes and they had that poor monkey in a robot dog suit.
Fantagraphics have the second issue of Linda Medley's new Castle Waiting series.
IDW have the Angel: Masks one-shot and the collected edition of Supermarket.
Image have a collection of the second Hawaiian Dick series; and new issues of Gødland (#13) and Negative Burn (#5).
Marvel have new collections for Daredevil and Runaways; and new issues of Captain America (#23), Daredevil (#90), Nextwave (#9), Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (#11), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#101).
NBM have a color edition of the first Cryptozoo Crew volume.
Vertical have Osamu Tezuka's Ode to Kirihito--over 800 pages by one of the best cartoonists ever.
Okay, that's plenty of comics for you!