(click the pic to make it big)
Bizarro is brought to you today by Dating Advice.
I admit this cartoon is a little opaque. I got a few emails wondering what it meant, which was not a surprise. I was thinking that the dog sees Rorschach images and interprets them as messes on the floor, to which he replies, "Bad dog." The man rewards the dog for his performance.
One odd thing I only just noticed while posting this is that in the fourth panel, there is a comma behind the "Bad dog," instead of a period. This was a mistake on my part and I'm surprised my editors didn't catch it and ask me about it. Or maybe they fixed it in the version that went to papers and forgot to tell me. Or maybe they were drunk and thought they'd told me. Or maybe they did tell me and I was drunk. Life presents so many possibilities.
If any of you had a different interpretation of this gag when you first saw it, let me know. I enjoy hearing about the way reader's minds work.
P.S. I drink, but I never get drunk. At least not on purpose. I have no idea how often my editors get drunk.