Thursday, 1 May 2008

Creepy Bedtime

Today's Bizarro is brought to you by the Internal Revenue Service. "Your fear is our living."

I usually post cartoons one week later, but somehow I got out of order earlier this week so this one is from the day I missed. Does anyone care? Me thinks not.

Little Danny Piraro was a big proponent of the not-hanging-anything-over-the-edge-of-your-bed-lest-something-
grab-it theory of childhood bed behavior. More than once, I was certain I heard something under the bed. I wasn't the sort to believe in monsters (my parents always taught me there were no such things as monsters and ghosts, but there was a devil in Hell and millions of flying people with halos in Heaven – mixed message?) but I was concerned about murderers who might sneak into the house and wait for me to go to bed. Without my hanging a hand or foot over the edge, they'd be powerless, of course, and have to sneak out of the house in defeat.

Danny 1 Murderer 0

Gimp Goat Gets Gift!

My good friends and cohorts at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary are on the front page of the Metro section of today's New York Times! Here is the more legible online article.

What they didn't mention is that we have over a hundred animals under our care, we offer fun and friendly tours all Spring and Summer (are those words supposed to be capitalized? I think not, but it always seems to me that they deserve it. Winter, no, but Spring and Summer? HELL yes!) and that we are raising money to build a small medical facility for our critters. At present, Doug and Jenny are treating these guys in the foyer of their home. What a drag. Click here for info on how to toss a couple dollars at a good cause. I can personally guarantee that every penny of your dough will go to the critters. No misappropriation of funds here, I assure you!

Here's a dandy picture of the original board members who built the farm, along with many valuable and saintly volunteers. From left to right, Sergio La Vaca (star of Spanish children's TV show, "El Mono Loco!"), CHNW, Jenny Brown with Robin the chicken, Dawn Ladd with Brandy the rooster, Doug Abel with Elmo the pitchfork, and Haley is the shy goat in the back.

Come visit us this year and meet the critters. You won't be sorry and you'll have a little less bad karma to burn off when you die.

Four to Read for Thursday, May 1

* Sara Ryan: Stumptown 2008

* The Comics Reporter: CR Newsmaker Interview: Charles Brownstein of the CBLDF

* The Battlestar Galactica Code: The Last Cylon

* Rivkah: When to Start. When to Quit. (via Chris Mautner)

FCBM4 Day 1

2 Guns #1It's day one of the fourth annual YACB Free Comic Book Month!

Our first selected entry is from Dexter Roberts. The five comics that Dexter listed are:

1. 100 Bullets
2. Scalped
3. Criminal
4. Jack Staff
5. Locke & Key

Dexter seems to be a fan of crime comics, so for Dexter's free comic I'm choosing:

The first issue of Steven Grant & Mat Santolouco's 2 Guns, a cops & robbers comic with a twist.

For Dexter's bonus comic, I'm sending him the Iron Man ashcan.

Dexter's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!

There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.

Current FCBM Statistics:
8 entries
2 free comics sent so far
30 days remaining