Your best bet is most likely the third collection of Brian Wood's DMZ, a title which has gotten a lot of (well deserved) positive mainstream press but is pretty much ignored by the comics market.
Or if you're looking for some 80s super-hero/sword and sorcery action, give the Sword of the Atom collection, with it's cool Gil Kane artwork, a gander.
Brian K. Vaughan kicks off his Faith-centric arc in Buffy the Vampire Slayer #6. (Dark Horse also have the debut of the Lobster Johnson mini and a third Gunsmith Cats Omnibus.)
First Second had hard- and softcover editions of Nick Abadzis's Laika. (Dogs in space are almost as cool as monkeys in space!)
You probably missed the rather good stories that ran in the first three issues of Spider-Man Family; don't worry, Marvel have you covered with the affordable Spider-Man Family Back In Black Digest.
There's plenty of other stuff too; I'm sure you'll find something you like!