Holy Bejeezes, there's a lot of good stuff coming out this week. There are lots of things I could pick for Pick of the Week, but I'm going with Crisis on Multiple Earths vol. 4, with JLA/JSA team-ups co-starring Captain Marvel and the rest of the Earth-S heroes; The Legion of Super-Heroes (battling Mordru!); and the Earth-Prime versions of Elliot S! Maggin, Cary Bates, and Julius Schwartz. It's super-meta-fiction at its finest!
Amaze Ink have a Patty Cake & Friends collection.
Antarctic have the 8th Ninja High School Pocket Manga.
Arcana debut Koni Waves.
Avatar debut Warren Ellis's Wolfskin.
Boom! Studios have a Cthulhu Tales anthology.
Dark Horse have the 11th volume of What's Michael.
DC begin their year-long weekly path to insanity with 52 Week 1. There are also collections for The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin & Superman/Shazam: First Thunder; and new issues of Ex Machina (#20), Fables (#49), Firestorm (#25), Jonah Hex (#7), and Superman (#652). You are reading Superman & Action, right? They get my vote for most improved 1YL titles.
DR Masters have a new volume of Iron Wok Jan (vol. 18).
First Second debut their line of high-class European imports with several volumes all at once; I haven't read any of them, and they all look potentially good, but Trondheim's Alieeen looks to be the most promising.
Graphix bring out the first volume of Raina Telgemeier's Baby-Sitters Club manga-esque GN.
IDW have one-shots for Angel (Spotlight: Illyria) and Spike (Lost and Found).
Image have the second Girls collection.
Marvel have collections for Ultimate Spider-Man (vol. 15: Silver Sable) and the Morrison/Millar/Yeowell Skrull Kill Krew; plus new issues of She-Hulk 2 (#7) and Thunderbolts (#102).
Oni have the first issue of Neal Shafer & Joe Infurnari's Borrowed Time.
Viz give you another dose of Takahashi with Ranma 1/2 vol. 34.
W.W. Norton have a collection of the long out-of-print Kings in Disguise.
So look out for your wallet when you wander into your FLCS on Wednesday (and maybe they'll have some leftover FCBD books to take away soem of the sting!)