Wednesday, 16 July 2008

"All of this has happened before..."

Via Nintendo Wii News, here's Sony CEO Howard Stringer in an interview with Bloomberg comparing his company's PlayStation 3 to the Nintendo Wii:
"I've played a Nintendo Wii. I don't see it as a competitor," Stringer said dismissively. "It's more of an expensive niche game device. We're selling a lot of PlayStation 3s now and it's still the best way to buy a Blu-ray player."

As Don Kaufman points out, the Wii is cheaper than the PS3, and neither is it a niche system.

I for one am reminded of attitudes expressed by certain comics companies regarding manga a few years ago...

Open Door

Today's Bizarro may not be reproduced in any manner – electronic, mechanical, oragami, mime, Kabuki, opera or interpretive dance – without express written consent, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in the original text of the Bhagavad Gita.

People write to me all the time to ask if they can use my cartoons for everything under the sun: blogs, presentations, web sites, advertising, books, newsletters, T-shirts, tattoos, you name it. A lot of cartoonists are super uptight about reprints and don't allow anything without attaching big fees. I, on the other hand, am the Zen Groovy Love Doctor of reprints and have very simple rules:

The answer is "yes, you may" if:

1. You ask nicely.

2.It is a not-for-profit use like your personal website or a charity thing. As long as your website or your charity do not stand for something I oppose, like electing John McBush for president or dairy products.

3. You have a for-profit use like a book or advertisment, but have asked permission and paid a fee. The fee is based on the size of the use. Tiny self-published book/tiny money – big international publication from a major publishing house/bigger money.

4. You have members of my family in your custody and threaten them bodily harm if I do not relent.

The answer is "no, sorry" if:

1. You are a jerk.

2. Your usage promotes something I don't agree with, like (see #2 above.)

3.You have had members of my family in your custody and threatened them bodily harm but I managed to rescue them.

Short answer, if you want to use one of my cartoons for any reason – from a T-shirt to a mural on the side of your cargo ship – just ask me. My electronic door is always open.